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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to move a table in new tablespace with NOLOGGING option

Login as sys or system
create a tablespace with NOLOGGING option

create tablespace sh_rate
datafile 'E:\ORADATA\PROD\DATAFILE\RATES.DBF' size 128M autoextend on maxsize 2048M
segment space management auto
Grant user (The owner of the table[s], indexes etc) to access the new tablespace
alter user parameters quota unlimited on sh_rate;

Move tables in the new tablespace

alter table parameters.sh_rates_temp move tablespace sh_rate;
alter table parameters.sh_rate move tablespace sh_rate;

create,Recreate, or rebuild indexes

Rebuild index : alter index xyz rebuild tablespace sh_rate;
create index parameters.sh_rates_temp_idx1 on parameters.sh_rates_temp(code) tablespace sh_rate;
create index parameters.sh_rate_idx1 on parameters.sh_rate(code) tablespace sh_rate;